Control Your Spending Creating a budget is one of the pillars to creating a solid financial foundation. It is recommended for anyone who is trying to have savings goals, reduce their spending, or just awareness of how your money is flowing. If you have never set up a budget, you […]
So My Company Offers a Retirement Account Contributing to a retirement account is one of the smartest things you could do. But, when you look at your options, you see a Traditional and a Roth account. What are the differences? What should you choose? Well the first step is to […]
Capital Gains are Gains Capital gains is a topic that is important for anyone looking to grow their wealth. Understanding the two can be the difference between paying 32% or 15% on your income. This is especially important when stock trading. If you trying to buy and sell within a […]
Assets and Liabilities, What? Assets and liabilities are two common accounting terms that will help change the way you look at your wealth. Many liabilities are disguised as assets because it is what we were always taught. They may be classified in the asset column by your accountant, but they […]
Make Your Money Grow Now In the book, Rich Dad Poor Dad, the thing that separated the rich from the poor is how they viewed money. The poor worked for money and the rich had money work for them. You have acquired extra money and now you want it to […]
Investing in Stocks Alright! So you have solidified your financial foundation, understand how credit works, and are now able to invest in yourself. Congrats! This is a huge accomplishment. With your “expendable” income, you want to invest in the stock market. But now you’re probably wondering how do you do […]
Make Money! I frequently say that I don’t spend money unless I’m making money. This is done by using my credit cards to earn points when I spend money in my everyday life. The money can then be used for travel, dining, gift cards, or, as I prefer, cash back. […]
WTF is Credit Understanding credit and how it is used by creditors is incredibly important to building your financial foundation. If you look to buy a car, a house, or take advantage of any type of credit program, you need to build credit. Below I attack some myths to credit […]
Friendship and Business, Is It Good? Starting a business is always exciting! Who else would you want to start a business with other than your friends? It is always comforting to know someone is on this risky train with you, especially if you know them personally. The problem is, friends […]