Make Money! I frequently say that I don’t spend money unless I’m making money. This is done by using my credit cards to earn points when I spend money in my everyday life. The money can then be used for travel, dining, gift cards, or, as I prefer, cash back. […]
Literacy Posts
WTF is Credit Understanding credit and how it is used by creditors is incredibly important to building your financial foundation. If you look to buy a car, a house, or take advantage of any type of credit program, you need to build credit. Below I attack some myths to credit […]
Get a Realtor! It Simple and Free I know it seems so easy today looking at Zillow or to find houses that are on the MLS. Why would you need a realtor when you can just look up new properties on that site? Well there are a few answers […]
Friendship and Business, Is It Good? Starting a business is always exciting! Who else would you want to start a business with other than your friends? It is always comforting to know someone is on this risky train with you, especially if you know them personally. The problem is, friends […]
Double Your Money As we talked about in the post on compounding, higher interest rates will give you a bigger rate of return (ROI). Fortunately, the Rule of 72 paved the way to determine how long it will take for your money to double with a set interest rate. Of […]
Dividend Stocks have Risks Dividend stocks are a great method for creating a passive income. They are the perfect example of making your money work for you. You invest in a company and they pay you a passive income just because you own shares of their company. While some of […]
Financial Foundation to Start Your Path Financial foundation building starts with getting control of your accounts. I accomplished this by creating an artificial zero in my checking account, moved my money to online savings accounts, set strict budgets, built credit, and eliminated bad debt. The following guilds will help you […]
Understanding Mutual Funds Mutual funds are a great way to invest in markets with a more hands-off approach. Unlike individual stock trading, mutual funds provide company diversification in markets that you are familiar with. With hundreds of funds to choose from, all you need to do is research, purchase, and […]
Top Stock Metrics In this article, we are going to open up the Stocks category with looking at what are some of the top stock metrics that I look at when purchasing shares of a company. This is not an extensive list, but gives you an understanding of my top […]